Mastercam - Southwestern Illinois College


Student working on Precision Machining Equipment.

Advance Your Skills with Mastercam

Computer Aided Drafting and Computer Aided Manufacturing are becoming necessary tools in many machine shops and manufacturing companies.

Using Mastercam software, the students will learn to design and draw machine parts with the use of a computer.

From the created drawing the students then will apply tool paths to create a CNC program to be run on a HAAS CNC machine tool.

The students will be required to create completed machined parts using this process.

The certificate will provide training for CNC operators, machinists and workers wanting to enhance their machining abilities.


Total Credits: 6.5
Course Number Course Description Credits
PMT 100

Precision Machining Introduction

PMT 221

Intro to Mastercam

PMT 222

Advanced Mastercam


Prerequisites may be required for some courses.

Refer to the Online Course Catalog or Class Search link in eSTORM for a full course description.

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What would you like to learn more about?

Precision Machining Technology student programming a CNC lathe.

Advanced CNC Programming

Computer Aided Design classroom

Computer Aided Design

Computer Aided Design Classroom

Computer Aided Drafting