Did you leave high school without earning a diploma, want help preparing for college or need assistance finding a job? The Southwestern Illinois College Youth Employment and Support Services Program can get you back on track for free.
The YESS Program offers comprehensive support and educational services to people between the ages of 16 and 24, who are out of school and who reside within St. Clair and Randolph counties.
The program assists individuals with the resources to complete their high school equivalency certificate, information on how to attend college, give participants employment opportunities within their career choice and much more.
Case managers develop a formal agreement and plan of action with each participant, which includes listing barriers that may hinder them from fulfilling their educational or career goals. This ensures the participant will be better prepared for anything that happens that may get in their way of becoming self-sufficient and being successful.
The following services are available through the YESS Program:
- Tutoring
- High School Equivalency instruction and testing
- Employment opportunities
- Leadership development
- Adult mentoring
- Workplace Readiness training
- Follow-Up services after 12 months
- Comprehensive guidance and counseling
- Drug and alcohol counseling referrals
- Transportation assistance
- Child Care referrals assistance
The YESS Program is a part of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act,. WIOA is federally funded and was created to strengthen and improve our nation’s public workforce system by assisting Americans, including youths and those with significant barriers to employment, transition into high-quality jobs and careers. To learn more about the SWIC YESS Program, contact Karen Schaller at the Red Bud Campus at 618-210-8189.