Talent Statement
“While in quarantine, I have been creating my duct tape prom dress while watching tons of broadway shows on YouTube and Netflix shows! I came up with the idea to make my dress due to the impact the coronavirus had on the world.
It was originally for the Stuck At Prom scholarship contest held by the duct tape company Duck Brand. This is the first time I have made a wardrobe out of duct tape as well as artwork, however, I remember making duct tape wallets and flowers when I was 10 years old.
This is my first year at SWIC but I wish I was able to experience the school in person this year, but I am looking forward to it next year. From what I have experienced already, the teachers seem amazing and are always ready to help when it is needed!” – Manker
Submission Information
Title: Duct Tape COVID-19 Prom Dress
Talent Name: Peyton Manker
Category: ART