Adam K Robertson
Congratulations Adam K Robertson!
Belleville, IL
Adam K Robertson
In the degree of
Associate in Applied Science
Construction Carpentry
Kyle Schaefer
Congratulations Kyle Schaefer!
Belleville, IL
Kyle Schaefer
In the degree of
Associate in Applied Science
Construction Carpentry
Alan Gerald Winters
Congratulations Alan Gerald Winters!
Belleville, IL
Alan Gerald Winters
In the degree of
Associate in Applied Science
Cybersecurity and Networking
Outstanding Student, Cybersecurity and Networking, 2019-2020
Nominated By: Matt Swinford
Alan Gerald Winters
Clinton Gregory Peterson
Congratulations Clinton Gregory Peterson!
Belleville, IL
Clinton Gregory Peterson
In the degree of
Associate in Applied Science
Cybersecurity and Networking
Michael John Weaver
Congratulations Michael John Weaver!
Belleville, IL
Michael John Weaver
In the degree of
Associate in Applied Science
Cybersecurity and Networking
Stephen A Schaefer
Congratulations Stephen A Schaefer!
Belleville, IL
Stephen A Schaefer
In the degree of
Associate in Applied Science
Cybersecurity and Networking
Norma Solano
Congratulations Norma Solano!
Graduation Statement
“I would like to thank my family for all their support but, mostly thank you to my parents because they’ve always been there for me. I am proud of another achievement in my life.” – Solano
“One step closer to a brighter future!” – Solano