Congratulations Jeri N Prather!
Graduate statement:
“First and foremost I want to thank God for giving me the strength to finish this long journey. I want to thank my amazing husband, Jimmy Prather for giving me the push I needed, after being out of school for so long. My beautiful children Ayinde, Ashlyn and Jimaya (I wanted to be their greatest example of no matter the obstacle and what goes on in life to NEVER GIVE UP!)
I appreciate my parents, Jerry & Ruby Garrett for pushing the importance of having an education. Liberty Christian Church in Alton, IL, thank you for your prayers!
Last, but certainly not least, every Professor that pulled me through this degree, my hat is off to you! It wasn’t easy, in most cases, being the ONLY female and the ONLY African American in a male predominate field of construction, but I MADE IT!
And because of SWIC, I’ve landed a job with one of the top engineering companies in St. Louis! I love you all and be blessed!“