It’s true, everyone will face complications or obstacles at some point in their lives. When you hit that rough patch, how you react often determines whether or not you are successful.
Like, if I fail a math test, which behavior will help me the most? Blaming the teacher? Feeling sorry for myself? Neither of those will help me learn the material or improve my score on the next test.
So how can you prepare for reacting positively to something bad that happens?
Try this. To reach success, prepare to lead with your best qualities and strengths. That makes sense, doesn’t it?
But how do you know what your best qualities are?
Well, we have two ways students can identify their strengths: Success Coaching and the CliftonStrengths Assessment.
Success Coaching is about getting to know yourself, and, the Core Motivation Tool empowers the student through identifying their unique strengths and weaknesses. In coaching sessions, a student explores how to use this tool for personal and professional growth.
Through Success Coaching, a student can identify which strength to bring to a situation and practice using that strength. The Core Motivation tool helps a student gain a different perspective of themselves. It makes changing less personal and thus easier to accomplish.
The second option, The CliftonStrengths Assessment, is a survey that will provide your top five personal strengths with an informational guide printed for each one with some practical uses.
CliftonStrengths empowers you to achieve outcomes faster and with less friction by intentionally leaning into what you do best. It’s a development tool – the more you use your strengths, the stronger they get.
Both require at least one appointment with the Success Coach. The CliftonStrengths Assessment is a 60-question survey that takes approximately 30 minutes and is to be completed before the coaching appointment.
Find out what your best qualities are what they can help you become. Because it’s not the stressor, it’s how you react to it.
Make an appointment with Success Coach through Bookings, the QR code below, or call or visit the Success Center LA Room 1307 | 618-235-2700 ext. 5495