Help Desk - Southwestern Illinois College


SWIC Computer Information Systems

Want a job solving computer problems?

This certificate will provide the skills and knowledge required for an entry level IT Help Desk position. Help Desk Technicians assist non-IT users who are having computer problems.

Computer support specialists work in many different industries, including information technology, education, fiance health care, telecommunication, retail, and entertainment.


Total Credits: 16
Help Desk Certificate (011G)
Course Number Course Description Credits
CIS 185 Intro to Information Technology 3
CIS 179 Computer User Support for Help Desk 3
CISC 106 Introduction to Cybersecurity (1st 5 weeks) 1
CISC 116 Cisco Cybersecurity Essentials (2nd 11 weeks) 2
CISC 161 Cisco Networking Essentials (1st 8 weeks) 4
EET 256 Preparation for A+ Certification (2nd 8 weeks) 3

*Help Desk Certificate offered at East St. Louis campus only.

Prerequisites may be required for some courses.

Refer to the Online Course Catalog or Class Search link in eSTORM for a full course description.

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Computer Information Systems

Shelf with stacked routers and switch boards with colorful cables in Cyber Security and Networking lab

Cybersecurity and Networking


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