Elementary Education Curriculum - Southwestern Illinois College

Refer to the following suggested curriculum and the graduation requirements as a guide for completing this program.


Education is the field of knowledge that deals with the various aspects of the profession of teaching. Among other things, teaching involves making decisions about what and how to teach, engaging students in learning activities, managing learning environments and assessing student behavior and achievement. Elementary education generally encompasses teaching grades K-6.

If you are interested in teaching students in 2nd grade or below, consider gaining an endorsement in Early Childhood Education. You will need to complete the following courses (18 credit hours) and the ECE content area test:

  • ECE 110 Introduction to Early Childhood Education
  • ECE 112 Growth & Development of Children
  • ECE 121 Early Childhood Curriculum
  • ECE 250 Child, Family, and Community
  • ED 280 Literacy Methods
  • ECE Elective

Interested in Earning while learning?

Check out our Education Apprenticeship programs which would allow you to work in a school setting while taking classes.


Students completing a bachelor’s degree in elementary education may be eligible for certification to teach grades K-6. Career paths in coaching or becoming a curriculum specialist may also be possible.

Students completing the associate degree will, among other potential careers, will be eligible to work as a paraprofessional (teacher’s aide), short-term Substitute Teacher, special education home visitation liaison, or in curriculum design. This degree places an individual on the path to teacher licensure.

Students who plan to earn an Associate in Arts degree and then transfer to a four-year college or university to major in Elementary Education should follow the steps listed below. It is strongly recommended that you confer with a SWIC counselor prior to enrolling each semester and familiarize yourself with the specific requirements of the four-year institution where you plan to transfer.

Are you planning to earn an Associate in Arts degree and then transfer to a four-year college or university to major in Elementary Education? We strongly encourage you to consult with a SWIC Advisor prior to enrolling each semester.  We also advise you to familiarize yourself with the specific requirements of the four-year institution where you plan to transfer.

Fulfill the General Education and other institutional requirements for the Associate in Arts degree listed in the printed or Online College Catalog. General Education course preferences may vary by transfer institution.


Field Experience/Observation Information

Fulfill all other Associate in Arts degree requirements listed in the printed or Online College Catalog.

Apply for graduation by the date published in the College Calendar.

Earn at least 64 transferable credits with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 to graduate from SWIC. Most transfer institutions require a higher GPA for admission (usually a 2.5 or higher) to the institution and/or specific majors, so check with the transfer institution regarding its requirements.
Note: Enrollment in many transfer classes is based on your score on the assessment placement test and/or your fulfillment of course prerequisites.

All intended transfer students should meet with an education counselor at their intended transfer institution as soon as possible for direct advising on course requirements. It is also recommended that all intended education transfer students take ED255 Introduction to Education and ED265 Introduction to Special Education (not at the same time) before transferring, in addition to any courses required/suggested in the course catalog. Both courses require fingerprint background checks (performed on campus as part of the course) and cleared TB tests (student responsibility to provide – must be no more than 1 year old); must be completed by end of first week of class. For licensure and testing information, see the Illinois State Board of Education or contact your local Regional Office of Education.

Your course work from SWIC may be transferable to the following institutions:


For more information, please contact:

Jessica Day

Education Coordinator

Email: jessica.day@swic.edu