Engineering Curriculum - Southwestern Illinois College


Are you planning to earn an Associate in Engineering Science degree and then transfer to a four-year college or university to major in Engineering after SWIC? We strongly encourage you to consult with a SWIC Advisor prior to enrolling each semester.  We also advise you to familiarize yourself with the specific requirements of the four-year institution where you plan to transfer (and meet with the representatives from their engineering program as soon as possible.

Most engineering students should enroll in the Associate in Engineering Science degree (double check with an academic advisor and someone from the engineering school to which you’ll transfer).

Most engineering students need to take ENGR 263 and some combination of ENGR 264, 271 and 275 at SWIC. Plan carefully in order to get these done – they are offered only during certain semesters and have prerequisites that need to be met.

It is recommended that you take the following classes during the following semesters you’re at SWIC:

First Year – Fall

  • MATH 203 Analytic Geometry and Calculus

First Year – Spring

  • PHYS 204 Physics – Mechanics (Requisite: MATH 203 with a grade of “C” or better)
  • MATH 204 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II

Second Year – Fall

  • ENGR 263 Analytical Mechanics – Statics (Requisite: PHYS 204 and MATH 203, each with a grade of “C” or better). Note: this class is ONLY offered in fall semesters.
  • PHYS 205 Physics – Heat, Elec. & Magnetism (Requisite: PHYS 204 and MATH 204, each with grade of “C” or better)

Second Year – Spring

  • ENGR 264 Analytical Mechanics – Dynamics (Requisite: ENGR 263 with grade of “C” or better). NOTE: this class is ONLY offered in spring semesters.
  • ENGR 271 Electrical Circuits (Requisite: PHYS 205 with grade of “C” or better) NOTE: this class is ONLY offered in spring semesters.

Second Year – Summer

  • ENGR 275 Mechanics of Solids (Requisite: ENGR 263 with grade of “C” or better) NOTE: This class is ONLY offered in summer semesters.

These other classes are recommended for most engineering students, but require fewer (or no) requisites. You can put these into your degree plan where they fit:

  • ENGR 103 Engineering Graphics (no requisites, offered fall and spring semesters)
  • ENGR 251 Surveying (no requisite). NOTE: this class is ONLY offered in fall semesters.
  • MATH 205 Analytical Geometry and Calculus III
  • MATH 290 Differential Equations (Requisite: MATH 205 with grade of “C” or better). NOTE: This course is only offered in spring and summer semesters.
  • MATH 292 Linear Algebra (Requisite: MATH 204 with grade of “C” or better). NOTE: This class is only offered in summer semesters.
  • PHYS 206 Physics – Light and Modern Physics (Requisite: PHYS 204 with grade of “C” or better). NOTE: This class is only offered in spring semesters.
  • CHEM 105 General Chemistry I (Requisite: MATH 112 with grade of “C” or better and previous chemistry)
  • CHEM 106 General Chemistry II (Requisite: CHEM 105 with grade of “C” or better)

See the printed or Online College Catalog for the requirements for the Associate of Engineering Science degree. Note that General Education course preferences might vary by transfer institution.

The optional courses are listed on the Associate in Engineering Science Degree Requirement Checklist in the printed or Online College Catalog and should be chosen by specialty. Please keep in mind that most transfer institutions limit the number of credit hours taken within a student’s major field of study at the community college level. To ensure the acceptance of such courses toward your intended major, check with the four-year institution where you are transferring or a SWIC academic advisor regarding their applicability.

Fulfill all other Associate in Engineering Science degree requirements listed in the printed or Online College Catalog.

Apply for graduation by the date published in the College Calendar.

You need to earn at least 65 transferable credits with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.00 to graduate from SWIC. Many transfer institutions require a higher GPA for admission to the institution and/or specific majors.

Note: Enrollment in many transfer classes is based on your score on the assessment placement test and/or your fulfillment of course prerequisites.