Alternative Transportation Systems - Southwestern Illinois College

ATS bus parked in the depot.

What age do you have to be to ride ATS?

For individuals who qualify for ATS service under the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) criteria, there is no age limitation. 

Do I have to register with ATS to use their services?

Yes, you must register with ATS.  Please call ATS Monday-Friday (time) to begin the registration process.  You must be registered for 72 business hours, before your first ride.

What towns/cities is ATS service not available and why?

In accordance with Federal ADA requirements, service is provided within 1 mile of any Metro fixed bus route or Metro link during times of operation. 

What hours of service are pick-ups and drop-offs available? What about weekends?

ADA services are based on the hours of service for the appropriate fixed bus/Metro link service.

Will I have to wait for my ride? What if I get finished with my appointment sooner than I thought?

A customer will be asked to designate which end of each ride is most important to them. Once this is completed, ATS will book your ride to meet your requirements.

Because ATS is a public, shared service, it is important to be ready when scheduled. Any delay impacts all subsequent riders. ATS drivers will not be able to wait for an extended period  past the appointed pick-up time.

Can I get a ride today?

To meet service requirements, reservations must be made one day prior, or as far in advance as five days from the desired travel date.  

Can I only ride ATS to the doctor or will it take me other places?

ATS will transport qualified individuals anywhere within our service area.

What if I need a ride to St. Louis or Madison County?

ATS provides connecting service with both St. Louis and Madison counties.  For service to St. Louis, ATS will transport customers to the Call-A-Ride facility at Compton and Spruce for a connecting ride to complete your trip.  For your return, Call-A-Ride will transport you to the Casino Queen for your return connection with ATS.

For Madison County service, the transfer connection point is Jack-in-the-Box (I-255/Collinsville Road) in Collinsville.  Madison County ACT provides the other portion of the service.
All transfer rides (meaning the customer has a connecting ride with either Call-A-Ride or ACT) must pay the cash fare, $4.00 per one-way $6.00 return fare. Coupons will not be accepted.

I can’t go upstairs, how will I get on the bus? What if I am in a wheelchair or scooter?

All ATS vehicles are equipped with a wheelchair lift for those individuals with mobility issues. 

Will the driver walk me to my door?

No. ATS is a curb-to-curb service.  Therefore, our service is limited to assistance with boarding and unloading the bus.

How much does it cost to ride ATS? Please include in answer where they can buy a coupon book.

The one-way cost of an ATS ride is $4.00.  This fare is established by the Saint Clair County Transit District (SCCTD) at twice the fixed bus route fare.  Likewise, the discounted fare rate of $2.80 per ride has also been established by the Saint Clair County Transit District (SCCTD). 

The discounted rate can be obtained by purchasing a book of ten (10) coupons.  These books may be purchased at the ATS office, 718 Scheel St., Belleville (located in the Scheel St. Metro link Station off Douglas St.) Books can also delivered to your home address.  A customer then presents a coupon each time they ride

All guests must pay the cash fare rate.  Guests cannot pay by coupon.  For those customers whose income qualifies, a grant is available for additional transportation assistance.  Please contact ATS or PSOP (618)-234-4410 for additional information on subsidized coupon books.

Does my Metro pass qualify me for a free ride on ATS?

No. The Metro pass is not accepted for services provided by ATS.

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