Office Desktop & Web Apps Information - Southwestern Illinois College

    Log in to Microsoft 365

    Download Office to your Computer

    1. Login to your Microsoft 365 account with the link above, or
    2. If you’re already logged into your email, click the App Launcher and select Microsoft 365:
    3. Make sure you are on the Homepage, and select Install and more:

    Office Desktop Support

    Office desktop apps hardware requirements
    Microsoft 365 and Office Resources
    Use Microsoft 365 plans for business, education, and government

    Download/install Office desktop apps
    Download and install or reinstall Microsoft 365 or Office 2021 on a PC or Mac – Microsoft Support
    Sign in with work or school account

    Uninstall Office desktop apps
    Uninstall Office from a PC – Microsoft Support
    Use Click-to-Run

    Overview of licensing and activation in Microsoft 365 Apps – Deploy Office | Microsoft Learn

    Access the Office Web Apps


    When you’re in email, or any other Web App, click the App Launcher:


    Login to, and choose Apps in the lower right:

    How long will I have access to Desktop and Web Apps?

    1. Students who have not attended for a year would have access to email only.
    2. Students who are enrolled or have been enrolled within last year would have access to desktop & web apps, in addition to email.
    3. Students who enroll again after not taking courses for a year would get access to desktop & web apps again.

    Please note the Technology Assistance Center provides limited support for personal devices.

    in Student Email Tags: AppsEmailInstall OfficeMicrosoftOfficeWeb Apps
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