General eSTORM Information - Southwestern Illinois College

What is eSTORM?

eSTORM is the enhanced Southwestern Total Online Records Management.

Your eSTORM account gives you access to multiple services in your Student Center, including:

1. Course schedules
2. Online course registration for current students
3. Course grades
4. Financial aid management, including reviewing/accepting awards
5. Financial services and bill payment
6. Graduation applications and transcript requests

How do I access the Student Center and my student records?

Go to and click on the Sign In tile and enter your user ID which is your student ID number.

Enter your eSTORM password. If you do not know your password, or if it has expired, you can reset your eSTORM password.

Once you are signed in, you are on your Student Center Homepage. To access your Student Center, click on the Student Center tile:

Student Center Tile
Student Center Tile

How do I change my eSTORM password?

Click here for help changing/resetting your eSTORM password.

Help can also be found at the Technology Assistance Center.

How do I request a change to my name, address, date of birth, or social security number?

Please fill out a Data Change form (write in any changes for your DOB and send a copy of your photo id).

Where can I find help using eSTORM?

Search this site for help, or contact the Technology Assistance Center.

I’m interested in attending classes at SWIC. Can I apply online?

Yes. The New Student Information Form, which is our application, is available on eSTORM.  Click on the Apply tile:

Apply Tile
Apply Tile

For more information on becoming a student at SWIC, view the Steps to Enrollment.

Will I be able to enroll online?

Current students are able to enroll online.

New students will be able to enroll online if they have activated their eSTORM account by clicking on the “New User?” link after clicking on the Sign In tile on the eSTORM homepage:

I’m in the Student Center, why can’t I enroll?

Look in your Student Center for messages:

Term Activation Message
Term Activation Message

You will need to be Term Activated and have a valid Enrollment Appointment to enroll. Both of these are manual processes and need to be done by the staff in the Enrollment Services Office if you have not been enrolled in the last three semesters. Contact the Enrollment Services Office at 618-235-2700, ext. 5455 during regular office hours for further help.

When is maintenance performed on eSTORM?

eSTORM is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, maintenance may be scheduled and cause a temporary outage. Maintenance information will be posted on eSTORM, under Announcements.

in eSTORM Tags: enrolleSTORMfinancial aidgradespasswordStudent Centerstudent IDtranscript
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